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Ballard Chiropractic Clinic Frequently Asked Questions

question marks in a notebookCommon Answers to Questions We Hear

Like other chiropractors, at Ballard Chiropractic Clinic we hear many questions from new and current chiropractic patients. Below are answers to some of the most common questions we are asked.

Do you have any questions that aren’t answered here? Contact us today and let us answer all of your questions.


How much does it cost?

We initially verify whether your insurance will cover any of the services you receive from us and inform you of your cost share. Dr. Eric Wechselberger is a preferred provider with most insurance plans that entitles you to better coverage when treating with us. If you have no insurance or maybe a high deductible before your benefits kick in, we will extend a discounted rate that can be paid at the time of service. Automobile and work injury cases are covered at 100%. If you don’t have any insurance, you will find our rates are probably the lowest in the area.

Once I start treatment, will I need to come in forever?

Our provider’s will recommend the appropriate care needed to relieve your pain. We like to keep our office “loss-pressured”, not telling you to come in again and again, however, our training and experience keeps us interested in seeing that you maintain better health. Many patient’s return for care once every 4 to 6 weeks that usually keeps them from falling back into their pain symptoms. You make the final decision on the level of health you want.
Do I need a referral for massage therapy?

Patient’s with insurance coverage usually requires a physician’s referral for massage therapy. This includes your medical provider, chiropractor or naturopath. Dr. Wechselberger doesn’t only write prescriptions for massage therapy, but refers out for needed services with orthopedist’s, neurologist’s or special imaging like MRI, etc. Even though some patient’s only receive massage therapy at our office and not chiropractic, Dr. Wechselberger will gladly perform a brief examination to diagnose any condition for your massage prescription.

Do you treat children?

We prefer to treat children over the age of 2-years-old. Once your child begins to stand and walk, postural and physical demanding stresses will occur every day. Periodic adjustments to a young growing spine will help maintain vertebral alignment and reduce the potential for future back and neck problems as adults. On average skeletal maturity is reached by the age of 20. We perform screenings for scoliosis.  You can also perform a quick inspection of your child’s spine.  Have them stand with their back to you and see if one shoulder or pelvis is higher than the other. Have them bend forward and notice if one side of their rib cage is sticking up? If you notice any other these imbalances, don’t hesitate to bring them in. Help ensure your child grows with a well developed and balanced spine.


Ballard Chiropractic Clinic Frequently Asked Questions | (206) 782-8500